AFJROTC & Military Family Resource Page
Helpful Links for Military Families
Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC): The mission of MCEC is to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission: The Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation.
Military One Source: A central hub and go-to-place for the military community. Provides information about military benefits, deployments, reintegration, moves, parenthood, retirement and more.
American Red Cross: Emergency communication for military families, financial assistance, referral services, deployment support and services.
Veterans Crisis Line: Connects veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
March2Success: Online study materials to help improve scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, college entrance exams, military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others. Content includes self-paced study programs in Math, English and Science, with a focus on materials for grades 8-12.
National Military Family Association: Provides information and resources related to services and programs for military families.
Our Military Kids: A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to provide support (grants) and recognition to military children. Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.
Real Warriors: A multimedia public awareness campaign designed to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds.
Military Impacted Schools Association: A national organization of school superintendents with a higher concentration of military students. Provides useful links for military families and educator resources. for U.S. Military Families
All K-12 children in National Guard, Reserve and Active Duty Military families are eligible to receive one-on-one academic support 24/7 in math, science, English and more, regardless of the service member’s branch or deployment status. for U.S. Military Families provides this service at no cost to K-12 military children through funding by the Department of Defense MWR Library Program, the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program and the Navy General Library Program. Grade K-12 students in military families can take full advantage of this valuable academic benefit.
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Morristown-Hamblen Air Force JROTC TN-20182

AFJROTC Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is AFJROTC?
A: AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) the mission is to "Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. It is a Title 10 US Code mandated citizenship training program. The program achieves this through classroom education in air and space fundamentals and hands on learning opportunities in a number of fun and challenging extra-curricular activities. Air Force core values are “Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do.”
Q: What is taught in JROTC?
A: Aerospace Science is 40% of the academic training. Leadership Education is another 40% of academic training and Physical Training and Wellness is the remaining 20%. The Aerospace Science curriculum includes the history of aviation, principles of flight, meteorology, navigation, flight physiology, and exploration of space. The Leadership Education curriculum includes the military training of uniform wear, drill, customs and courtesies; it also includes stress management, leadership styles, communication skills, and financial management. Multiple opportunities are provided to enrich the curriculum, including drill teams, field trips, parades, color guards, and special summer programs.
Q: How many AFJROTC programs are there?
A: There nearly 900 AFJROTC units world-wide with 121,000 high school cadets. There are over 200 High Schools on the wait list to establish Air Force JROTC.
Q: Any Military obligation?
A: No. There is absolutely no military commitment. AFJROTCs primary mission is to make better citizens.
Q: Is AFJROTC a recruiting arm of the Air Force?
A: No. The Air Force JROTC program has no recruiting goals or ties to the Air Force Recruiting Service.
Q: Do I have to do anything for my child to join the program?
A: Attend an AFJROTC High School. Students must be a legal U.S. citizen, naturalized or born in the country, and have an active desire to perform and set an example for the rest of the school. AFJROTC cadets are held to a higher standard of maturity.
Q: Cost?
A: AFJROTC does have a one-time $25 activity fee, primarily to cover the cost of the Air Force Unit Polo shirt. There is usually a fee if a cadet attends field trips, Drill competitions or military ball. Uniforms are issued at no cost, with the exception of athletic socks & shoes. The uniform items must be maintained at the cadet’s expense (routine professional dry cleaning and shoe polishing) and returned. Cadets must pay for damaged/lost uniforms items.
Q: Is my county/school paying for all of this?
A: The Air Force provides schools hosting AFJROTC units with instructional materials, equipment, uniforms, monetary reimbursement for orientation trips, funds for specified expenditures, and instructor salary reimbursement. Instructional materials include textbooks, training aids, and items of equipment such as computers, digital video disc players, digital video discs, video cameras, monitors prescribed in the AFJROTC curriculum and up to one-half of an instructors minimum instructor pay.
Q: What is the relationship of the instructors to other members of the faculty?
A: The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) and the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) are members of the faculty and teach an integral part of the school’s curriculum.
Q: Benefits of AFJROTC?
A: At its core AFJROTC is a leadership development program embedded within the High School Experience. Cadets learn professionalism that will give them a competitive edge in life. Cadets have multiple opportunities to learn how to be a leader. There is considerable focus on organization, teamwork, communication skills, leadership, followership, critical thinking and planning.
Q: Can I earn a Letter in AFJROTC?
A: Yes! It is challenging but very possible. Please refer to the cadet guide for requirements.
Q: Activities outside academic lessons?
A: Drill Team, Color Guard, Honor Guard (Saber Team), Rocketry/Aviation Club, Strategy/Tactics Club, Hiking Club, Kitty Hawk Air Society, Academic Bowl, Cyber Patriot, Cadet Journal, Military Ball, Field Trips, Annual Awards Ceremony, and other activities.
Q: AFJROTC benefits for Military or College ROTC?
A: AFJROTC Certificate of Completion for successfully completing three academic program years. If enlisting in the military cadets that complete AFJROTC may eligible for enlistment at a higher grade after completion of basic training. Cadets pursuing College ROTC may be entitled to one year of credit for College ROTC. Cadets may also compete for College ROTC scholarships. Title 10 sets aside up to 20 nominations per Service Academy for honor graduates of JROTC honor schools.
Q: What is the uniform?
A: The Blue uniform is provided by AFJROTC and must be worn once each school week. Weekly inspections are graded and will have a large impact on the overall grade. The uniform must be kept in a clean condition and returned at the end of the class or upon request. There is no cost to the parent except dry cleaning the uniform throughout the year or if a piece of the uniform is lost or damaged due to negligence.
Q: How often do I wear the uniform?
A: Once a week during the entire school day, normally Wednesday. This is Mandatory.
Q: What if I don’t wear the uniform?
A: Once a cadet misses three uniform days, barring extenuating circumstances, they fail AFJROTC.
Q: How often do I do physical training (PT)?
A: Once a week, normally Friday. Cadets wear a PT uniform (shorts/T-shirt), provided to them.
Q: Do I have to cut my hair?
A: Male cadets must keep their hair cut within Air Force standards when wearing the AFJROTC uniform. Female cadets are taught how to properly put their long hair up when wearing the uniform. Maintaining grooming standards are Mandatory.
Q: Do male cadets shave?
A: Cadets are required to be clean shaven in uniform.
Q: Can I dye my hair?
A: Cadets are not allowed to dye their hair an "unnatural" color. If dyed, hair must be a color a person is born with and it can only be one color.
Q: What if I don’t want to cut my hair?
A: Any cadet failing to comply with grooming standards will fail AFJROTC.
Q: What is cadet rank?
A: Being awarded cadet rank is a way of rewarding cadets based on their performance in the corps. Cadets who wear the higher ranks usually have a leadership responsibility in the corps. Promotions take place at the end of each semester.
Q: What competitive teams are offered?
A: Drill team and Color Guard teams. Other teams include Awareness Presentation team, and Cyber Patriot.